God has been good!

I will never forget that cold January morning when I first rode the Blue Bus to Junior Church. I didn’t want to be there. I had other things on my agenda. My heart was hurting from a broken home and distracted by the allures of the world. I was 11 years old and had moved three times in just over a year. I wasn’t supposed to ride the blue bus but God had a different plan. On January 9, 1983, I rode the wrong bus but met the right Saviour! After several few months I trusted Christ as Saviour in Junior Church. My life was forever changed. My parents were divorced at the time and each of them trusted Christ as Saviour. Through the grace and healing touch of God a year after coming to church my parents re-married…each other. I saw the transforming power of the gospel and answered prayer on display. I began attending every service and was exciting about my new life in Christ. When I was 15 years old I attended a youth conference with our youth group and God called me to preach. I was scared but excited about what God had in store. I went to Bible College locally and then married Christina. God’s goodness and mercy have been never ceasing. I can say looking back, I have no regrets saying YES to God! Through the tragic loss of our pastor and my hero Dr. Ron Fenwick, God placed me in the position of pastor of Woodlawn Baptist Church. Exactly 26 years to the day that I rode to church as a young boy I was voted in as pastor. God’s grace is simply amazing. Trust Him, he will lead down paths of fulfillment, joy and peace with God. I never want to forget where I came from, after all I wouldn’t be here without HIM! Put Christ first and follow Him. You will never regret it!!